Apple Pie ABC

Apple Pie ABC is an old English song for children, one of the most well-known alphabet rhymes for kids along with the The Alphabet Song.

The song was first seen printed in 1742 in “Child’s New Play-Thing”, a spelling book, but earlier it appeared partially in a religious book back in 1671.

After the first release, the song was published in other books like “Tom Thumb’s Playbook” (1747) or the descriptively titled “The Tragical Death of A, Apple Pye Who was Cut in Pieces and Eat by Twenty-Five Gentlemen” (1770). Apple Pie ABC soon became a popular educational tool known both in the UK and the USA.

The lyrics of Apple Pie ABC have changed over time, below is the modern version of the song.

Apple Pie ABC Lyrics

Says A,
give me a good large slice,
Says B,
a little bit, but nice,
Says C,
cut me a piece of crust, Take
it, says D,
it’s dry as dust,
Says E,
I’ll eat it fast,
I will, Says F,
I vow I’ll have my fill,
Says G,
give it me good and great, Says H, a little bit I hate,
Says I,
it’s ice I must request,
Says J,
the juice I love the best,
Says K,
let’s keep it up above,
Says L,
the border’s what I love,
Says M,
it makes your teeth to chatter,
N said,
it’s nice, there’s nought the matter,
others’ plates with grief surveyed,
for a large piece begged and prayed,
quarrelled for the topmost slice,
rubbed his hands and said “it’s nice,”
silent sat, and simply looked,
thought, and said, it’s nicely cooked,
understood the fruit was cherry,
vanished when they all got merry,
wished there’d been a quince
in, X
here explained he’d need convincing,
Y said,
I’ll eat, and yield to none,
like a zany, said he’d done,
While ampersand purloined the dish,
And for another pie did wish.

“Apple Pie ABC”

Original version:

A was an Apple pie;
B bit it;
C cut it;
D dealt it;
E eat it;
F fought for it;
G got it;
H had it;
J joined it;
K kept it;
L longed for it;
M mourned for it;
N nodded at it;
O opened it;
P peeped in it;
Q quartered it;
R ran for it;
S stole it;
T took it;
V viewed it;
W wanted it;
X, Y, Z, and ampersand,
All wished for a piece in hand.