If All The Raindrops

If A

If All The Raindrops is a song that first appeared in the eighth season, twelfth episode of Barney Goes To School, on the 15th August 1990. Initially the song was shorter, but the producers of the show later added a third stanza which is a reprise of the first paragraph. If All The Raindrops has a whimsical feel keeping in mind that sweets and lemon drops couldn’t possibly fall from the sky. However, pretend play is integral to a child’s psyche and development. This rhyme taps into the parts of the brain responsible for imagination making the child dream of a world where it rains tasty treats!

Few modern kids songs are this new, it is very rare that a song this recent is passed down orally by kids and parents, thus If All The Raindrops is part of a select few songs that include The Rubber Duckie Song from Sesame Street among others.

As the children sing this lovely song, they will often take actions in sync with the words. For instance, they can sprinkle their fingers to symbolize the rain and falling snowflakes.

They will hold their arms up and out to accompany the line “Oh what a world it could be!”. It depicts bewilderment and astonishment at having gumdrops and candy bars falling out of the sky. The children also lift their hands and make big circles to symbolize the sunbeams warming the ground.

If All The Raindrops

If all the raindrops
Were lemon drops and gumdrops
So what a rain that would be

Standing outside with my mouth open wide
Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah

If all the raindrops
Were lemon drops and gumdrops
Oh, what a rain that would be

I can get working
Oh, look at that
He, hope he gets everybody
Oh, come on

If all the snowflakes
Were candy bars and milkshakes
Oh, what a snow that would be

Standing outside with my mouth open wide
Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah

If all the snowflakes
Were candy bars and milkshakes
Oh, what a snow that would be

Yum, this is more milky

If all the raindrops
Were lemon drops and gumdrops
Oh, what a rain that would be

Standing outside with my mouth open wide
Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah

If all the raindrops
Were lemon drops and gumdrops
Oh, what a rain that would be

I’d be outside all day, me too