Jack and Jill

The origin of the “Jack and Jill” nursery rhyme dates back at least to 18th century England, with various versions and lyrics.

It is difficult to state the exact origin of this nursery rhyme. In the 16th century the words Jack and Jill were used to indicate a boy and a girl. This use was also found twice in some of Shakespeare’s plays, and also in a comedy act, “Jack and Jill” performed around 1567-8 at the Elizabethan court. “A good Jack makes a good Jill” is an old English proverb having the same meaning.

However, the rhyme was first known as Jack and Gill, referring to two boys, not a boy and a girl. It was first recorded in 1765, and published later on in the Mother Goose’s Melody, as John Newbery’s song.

The rhyme has been modified several times over the years, with additional lyrics being added. Bellow is the most common version of the modern song:

“Jack and Jill” Lyrics

Jack and Jill went up the hill
To fetch a pail of water.
Jack fell down and broke his crown,
And Jill came tumbling after.
Then up got Jack and said to Jill,
As in his arms he took her,
“Brush off that dirt for you’re not hurt,
Let’s fetch that pail of water.”
So Jack and Jill went up the hill
To fetch the pail of water,
And took it home to Mother dear,
Who thanked her son and daughter.