Little Jack Horner

The earliest version of “Little Jack Horner” nursery rhyme dates back to the 18th century England.

The character Jacky Horner originated from an old fairy tale “The Fryer and the Boy”. One of the first versions of this rhyme was recorded in a chapbook from 1764, titled “The History of Jack Horner, Containing the Witty Pranks he play’d, from his Youth to his Riper Years, Being pleasant for Winter Evenings”

The oldest known reference to Little Jack Horner’s lyrics was found in the Henry Carey’s ballad, “Namby Pamby” from 1725, satirizing one of the poets of the time, Ambrose Philips, for writing infantile poems for aristocrats’ children. This particular poem, about Jacky Horner became a symbol of the opportunism and cupidity.

“Little Jack Horner” Lyrics

Modern Version:

Little Jack Horner
Sat in the corner,
Eating a Christmas pie;
He put in his thumb,
And pulled out a plum,
And said ‘What a good boy am I.

“Little Jack Horner” Original Lyrics

“Now he sings of Jacky Horner
Sitting in the Chimney-corner
Eating of a Christmas pie,
Putting in his thumb, Oh Fie
Putting in, Oh Fie! his Thumb
Pulling out, Oh Strange! a Plum.”

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