Two Little Dickie Birds

“Two Little Dickie Birds” is a traditional nursery rhyme and finger-play for children, dating back to the 18th century.

It was first published in London in the collection called “Mother Goose’s Melody” from 1765. There are no recorded evidences about the exact origin of the song. In its today’s form which dates back to the 19th century the lyrics have been slightly modified and the names of the birds have been replaced from Jack and Gill to Paul and Peter, the apostles.

“Two Little Dickie Birds” Finger-play

How to play:

It is played by an adult who is playing with both of his index fingers, pointing them so the child can see it well. One hand is for Peter, and one hand is for Paul.

At the line: “Two little dickie birds, Sitting on a wall” both hands are exposed to the child, alternatively playing with the index finger (while hiding the rest of the fingers).

At the next two lines, “One named Peter” and “One named Paul” only one finger will be moving, to attract the attention: first Peter’s hand and second Paul’s hand.

To the next lines: “Fly away Peter!” and “Fly away Paul!” your hands will fly one by one, hiding to the back and then they will come back with the next words: “Come Back Peter!” and “Come Back Paul!” again one by one.

“Two Little Dickie Birds” Lyrics

Two little dickie birds, Sitting on a wall;
One named Peter,
One named Paul.
Fly away Peter!
Fly away Paul!
Come Back Peter!
Come Back Paul!

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