Wind the Bobbin Up

“Wind the Bobbin Up” is a nursery rhyme and one of the favorites singing games and gesture-play songs for children, dating back to the late 19th century, England.

Besides the fact that “Wind the Bobbin Up” is an entertaining song and game it is also an educational tool to develop the vocabulary of younger children.

The object of the game is to identify some items and mimick some actions, that are told in each verse of the rhyme. For younger children you can play the game together with them, by holding their hands and mimic the actions together.

“Wind the Bobbin Up” Lyrics

Wind the bobbin up,
Wind the bobbin up,
Pull, pull, clap, clap, clap.
Wind it back again,
Wind it back again,
Pull, pull, clap, clap, clap,
Point to the ceiling,
Point to the floor,
Point to the window,
Point to the door,
Clap your hands together, 1, 2, 3,
Do a roly-poly, put your hands upon your knee.

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